Our Mission and Vision
We are a warm and friendly group of LGBTQ+ people in Nottingham of many ages and genders. If you're over 18, you're welcome at our monthly events.

Our Mission
We make opportunities for people across the LGBTQ+ spectrum, who have (or are exploring) a faith, to meet each other, make friends, enjoy some food and drink, and share their stories. Come along to our monthly events to hear from authors, trailblazers, parents, and more. We might be talking about anything from what the Bible really says about being gay, to how to navigate dating apps as a Christian, what it's like to adopt, or the experience of LGBTQ+ refugees and much more. Our events start and end with a short prayer, but there's no preaching, no attempts at conversion, no hymns, and no liturgies. Think less 'Church service', and more coffee, cake and chat. We're here to support, be thought provoking, and champion inclusion.

Our Vision
It's true that Church can often be an isolating and confusing place for people whose sexuality or gender identity doesn't conform. While it's great that many denominations are moving towards greater inclusion and understanding, there's still a long way to go. We are a place where everyone can be themselves. We promote love and understanding, and explore issues together. Our vision is to bring people together who can sometimes be made to feel they don't fit in. We'd love to welcome you to explore with us.

We are AFFIRMING. We believe that LGBTQ+ people are just as God made them to be. We'll work to promote inclusion of those of differing sexualities and gender identities in faith communities.
We believe in LOVE. We believe people of all genders and sexualities have a right to love and a place at the table. We support marriage equality, human rights, and the full participation of LGBTQ+ people in Church life. We believe that God loves everybody.
We are INCLUSIVE. We're made up of different ages, genders, sexualities and races. Our members attend a variety of churches and denominations. You don't need to be a Christian to attend, just have some interest in exploring faith. Straight allies are welcome to attend.
We explore FAITH. We don't think there's a conflict between being lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender and having a faith. We explore faith and how we fit in. We're not here to make converts, just to provide support and community.
We want to share life's journey together, open our minds, learn about others, and explore issues that affect us. We think its better to adventure together.